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Wednesday, July 25, 2007

How HR can blog without blogging

Lets face it, the vast majority of Human Resources personnel don't get blogging. It's a foreign entity to them filled with myths and legend. It takes a special individual to start and maintain a blog and HR is just too busy.

Thats why I came up with the idea for Jobs in Pods. Not only does it allow employers to create audio job descriptions and promote their employment brand but it's also a blog. The blog aspect of the site adds value by attracting search engine traffic to each and every post. So any employer who does a jobcast will attract passive candidates through people doing keyword searches.

Just look at these examples;

A search for "vertrue jobs" shows that their podcast on Jobs in Pods is #3 result on google.

A search for "zoominfo jobs" shows that their podcast on Jobs in Pods is #1 result on google.

A search for "tmobile engineering jobs" shows that their podcast on Jobs in Pods comes up as the #2, #3 result on google, via feeds we setup on various podcast directory sites.

So my lesson for you today is that blogging is good, blogging is great. It's time for HR to outsource their blogging efforts to sites like Jobs in Pods. We know what we're doing.